Tuesday, November 24, 2015


Today, the issue of space is very important, we know that is a well researched but finding many answers, is very complicated.
we know that there are millions and millions of systems planets, it is impossible to explore everything, everyone has many questions that they want answered but is not easy, but something we have to start, so every time become more often scans space and someday in the future will be quite normal.

I think space exploration in the future can benefit us all, as we know our planet increasingly suffer because of us, space exploration can also answering many questions and acquire more information, can help you find many resources we need and we may need in the future.

Clearly, today is very expensive each scan, but it's a very good price, resources and benefits that can be found in space do not compare to the minimum price that can be paid.

I think this issue is very important, we talk about the future, then of course we need it, is a subject in which he has to invest knowledge, time, money and interest worldwide.

Friday, November 20, 2015


Personally I do not like to work in an international space station, I think to be an astronaut need much preparation, years of preparation, and you have to sacrifice many things because the international space station can sometimes be a long time even until a few years .

Wednesday, November 18, 2015


Ocean Explorer
crab-robot designed by the Oceanographic Institute of Science and Technology in South Korea. It is a robot designed to explore the seabed. Crabster has six legs with 30 joints in total. It is designed to withstand strong ocean currents moving at a speed of 5 km / h, slowly but surely.

space explorer
Spirit is the first of two robots which is part of the Mars Exploration Program at NASA. The spacecraft successfully landed on Mars at 4:35 of January 3, 2004 and ceased production in March 2010, at which point he stopped sending communications

Mountain explorer
The explorer curiosity is mid on Mars, and has explored mountains to try to find minerals, among other things.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015


Butler School.

Today steward is important work.

many entrepreneurs seek every day a butler, develop skills that are very good. tastes and views are some of the many skills that are obtained steward is important work for many people who require services.

Come and learn from the best teachers.

Friday, November 13, 2015


The decision to study at ITESM take with my parents, at first had planned to study at UAT but I was able to study in MTY and I did not miss, do not regret being here, and my parents did not repent it is the best university in Mexico and when I finish I will have many opportunities to get ahead.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015


the image is of a sandstorm in Iraq, it may have been taken when the person was by going the place or simply wander off to avoid being hit by the sand.
The following image is of an iceberg, not knowing how I could have been taken, so you see was edited in such case be true, could be taken by any diver.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015


some mysterious places I know and have read a little are the Sea Devil, in this space a lot has happened and disappearances of ships among other things and the reasons are unknown. 
elsewhere is the Loch Ness, where lives are supposed Loch Ness monster. 
elsewhere is the area where silence says it all signal fades and the compasses stop working.

Friday, November 6, 2015


Halloween and day of the dead are not christian.
The colors used are the same.
In the two celebrations they are associated with the deceased.

Dead on the day of an offering is made and calls hallowen one.
Day of the dad is a mexican celebration and hallowen is anglo.
In the Day of the Dead it is to represent and remember the dead, and is hallowen scare away the spirits.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015


three years ago I was a player of Borregos, ran a lot, trained a lot, unfortunately I started to feel discomfort in my knee, that annoyance miss it and it was getting bigger and serious, need operation and therefore stop playing.

Friday, October 30, 2015


would you like to do any of the jobs in exercise to? why or why not?

No, I do not like any of those work, I think they're dangerous and I would not want anything bad to happen to me.

what other job are dangerous? why?

constructor, because you can fall or hit, police, because you can always find bad people.

why are people Attracted to dangerous jobs?

I think some people like the adrenaline, or simply are jobs where they can make things right.

Friday, October 16, 2015

homework 2.6

it is a good notion to have to be better.
be sure to eat well
do not forget to sleep well
it is absolutely Necessary to you go to the gym
You should always STRIVE.
it is a good notion to try to let
be sure to do your job
do not forget to what we train
it is absolutely Necessary to you to help your teammates
You should always be the best

Tuesday, October 13, 2015


Dear Editor

Public transport in the city of Monterrey, is very good, there are many means of transport such as trucks, metro, but I think we can improve.

some of my ideas are as follows.

for the Metro: Each wagon is very little space, people are very tight, I think they should put more seats or keep track of the number of people going up at the same time.

for the truck: you must have a passenger limit, as many are unemployed and dangerous, so they block roads, as some are very long.


Isaac H. R.

Friday, October 9, 2015


Cloud Gate in Chicago I like, because it is strange work, but I feel that is too much at once, is very popular, I think people like to see this type of work, at least I like and draws me your shape, location, and I think it represents something more than perhaps they do not understand.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

homework 2.3

 survival school located in the mountains of Chiapas,in these mountains you can feel more connected with nature, is one of the best schools because it helps you improve as people in all aspects.

survival school in the mountains of Chiapas isolates you completely from the technology and the other for a week, where you and your team will have to overcome different tests.

at the end of this week you will feel like you have improved on many things, and more'll be fit for life itself

Thursday, October 1, 2015

homework 2.1

week I.

my week I was in the notary 143 which is located in Santiago Nuevo Leon, with dr. Jorge Ivan,

the truth had higher expectations for this project, as this week was intended to do something innovative, one project, but no, at least for me it was not, my week I was arrived at 9 am to the office and go through the different areas that are at a notary, at first thought it might be of great benefit because you can learn more about how the procedures are made or produce documents, but no, it was not so, there was no organization, not even know who we were, there was a certain for us or teach us something useful time.

I think lacks organization, we are in an institution recognized worldwide, not think they can not organize a week of more efficient work, in what refers to my week I did not like it.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Homework 8

Athaniel Ayers, a homeless, schizophrenic musician on which the movie, is based, is located in a room in the basement of the Angels Times. The book was adapted into a film and a play entitled The soloist, released April 24, 2009 with Jamie Foxx and Robert Downey Jr. in the lead roles. In the film, Ayers is represented as a cellist, rather than a bassist.

ayers began playing the double bass during middle school. He attended the Juilliard School in New York as a double bassist, but suffered a mental breakdown during his third year,  for some years he lived with his mother in Cleveland, Ohio, where he received electroconvulsive therapy for his illness but to no avail. After his mother's death in 2000, he moved to the Angels, thinking that his father lived there. Homeless and schizophrenic, Ayers lived and played music on the streets.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

hw p. 52. ex. c

I value my life in many things, for example: I like dancing, I like playing football, I like to sing and play guitar, I like spending time with my friends and family, I like to spend my time listening to other people talking to my friends, going out with my girlfriend, and always walking.

homework p.36 ex. c

over time the environment undergone several transformations, we as a people we should have put a stop to all these actions that led to our planet start deterioration, long time we had presented different plans that help to prevent various acts we have done, we would have thought of all take advantage basucara we did, we would recycle everything would have put plans for the consiensa people have done on the issue of littering, and we would make our planet so nu had begun to deteriorate.

Monday, August 31, 2015

p. 24, Ex. A

In the exercise of communication we speak of some types of emotions and I think these are very important, sometimes we may feel somehow but we can confuse, so we have to identify and to know that emotion felt at one point or simply people who they are driven by their emotions and sometimes is not appropriate.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

p 18 e A


what´s your favorite song? can´t feel my face of the weeknd
why do you like it? the lyrics are good, the pace too, and is very relaxing.

when you listen to the song, does it make you think of any of these things? I heard recently, and is very good

homework p17 e C

There are many different strategies to learn many things, there are people who learn differently than others, not all are equal so our way of learning and memorizing are different, there are also activities that you determine are best learned from some certain forms, example, taking notes can strengthen our memory because when we write somehow we memorize, paying attention is a way to learn certain points, the most important of any matter, focusing think it serves much, it's a technique that can help us before a test, asking questions helps us in the time of classes when we have doubts and we can have the right information, practicing helps us more than anything in subjects like math and English where we have to practice to strengthen knowledge.

Monday, August 24, 2015

homework D. P. 9

hello friend, as you know, I have 2 months living in Monterrey, I'm studying and working in a law firm. Monterrey is very different from Tamaulipas. Monterrey is very large and there are many places that you can visit very beautiful, there are several museums, there are things that characterize the city and there are many things you can do, you can go to many places, the nightlife is very good. Monterrey is beautiful, colorful and has beautiful scenery. There is a lot of traffic, too, people live very fast but I like it, I spread the enthusiasm and I want to do many things. the weather is not so bad, if it is very hot and very cold but nice. Really miss the ranch and horses, but I'm taking the honey to Monterrey and I like to stay and work and live here. I also live near the school haha.

Thursday, August 20, 2015

homework pag, 5. D

why you live where you live adrian?  I live here in monterrey, because here is the best university in mexico and I would like to be a great professional in the future, besides the city I love it there so much place to go. my family lives in tamaulipas, I was born there, have always lived in the same place, they like to live there. I like quiet there and I have a lot of family and friends. there is nothing I do not like. of monterrey I like many things, but I do not like that much traffic, and everything is more expensive.