Monday, September 14, 2015

Homework 8

Athaniel Ayers, a homeless, schizophrenic musician on which the movie, is based, is located in a room in the basement of the Angels Times. The book was adapted into a film and a play entitled The soloist, released April 24, 2009 with Jamie Foxx and Robert Downey Jr. in the lead roles. In the film, Ayers is represented as a cellist, rather than a bassist.

ayers began playing the double bass during middle school. He attended the Juilliard School in New York as a double bassist, but suffered a mental breakdown during his third year,  for some years he lived with his mother in Cleveland, Ohio, where he received electroconvulsive therapy for his illness but to no avail. After his mother's death in 2000, he moved to the Angels, thinking that his father lived there. Homeless and schizophrenic, Ayers lived and played music on the streets.

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