Friday, October 30, 2015


would you like to do any of the jobs in exercise to? why or why not?

No, I do not like any of those work, I think they're dangerous and I would not want anything bad to happen to me.

what other job are dangerous? why?

constructor, because you can fall or hit, police, because you can always find bad people.

why are people Attracted to dangerous jobs?

I think some people like the adrenaline, or simply are jobs where they can make things right.

Friday, October 16, 2015

homework 2.6

it is a good notion to have to be better.
be sure to eat well
do not forget to sleep well
it is absolutely Necessary to you go to the gym
You should always STRIVE.
it is a good notion to try to let
be sure to do your job
do not forget to what we train
it is absolutely Necessary to you to help your teammates
You should always be the best

Tuesday, October 13, 2015


Dear Editor

Public transport in the city of Monterrey, is very good, there are many means of transport such as trucks, metro, but I think we can improve.

some of my ideas are as follows.

for the Metro: Each wagon is very little space, people are very tight, I think they should put more seats or keep track of the number of people going up at the same time.

for the truck: you must have a passenger limit, as many are unemployed and dangerous, so they block roads, as some are very long.


Isaac H. R.

Friday, October 9, 2015


Cloud Gate in Chicago I like, because it is strange work, but I feel that is too much at once, is very popular, I think people like to see this type of work, at least I like and draws me your shape, location, and I think it represents something more than perhaps they do not understand.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

homework 2.3

 survival school located in the mountains of Chiapas,in these mountains you can feel more connected with nature, is one of the best schools because it helps you improve as people in all aspects.

survival school in the mountains of Chiapas isolates you completely from the technology and the other for a week, where you and your team will have to overcome different tests.

at the end of this week you will feel like you have improved on many things, and more'll be fit for life itself

Thursday, October 1, 2015

homework 2.1

week I.

my week I was in the notary 143 which is located in Santiago Nuevo Leon, with dr. Jorge Ivan,

the truth had higher expectations for this project, as this week was intended to do something innovative, one project, but no, at least for me it was not, my week I was arrived at 9 am to the office and go through the different areas that are at a notary, at first thought it might be of great benefit because you can learn more about how the procedures are made or produce documents, but no, it was not so, there was no organization, not even know who we were, there was a certain for us or teach us something useful time.

I think lacks organization, we are in an institution recognized worldwide, not think they can not organize a week of more efficient work, in what refers to my week I did not like it.